
  • Irwan Syah Erlangga Universitas Islam Negeri Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember, Indonesia
  • Frandy Putra Perdamen Tarigan Universidad Isabel I, Spain
  • Lantri Ternasih Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi IEU Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Dede Umar Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi IEU Surabaya, Indonesia


Digital transformation in education has become a phenomenon that has significantly changed the way of teaching and learning in the modern era. On the one hand, this transformation offers various opportunities, including increased accessibility of education through online platforms, the development of more interactive teaching methods, and increased personalization in learning. Students can now access learning materials from leading institutions globally, while also gaining a more engaging learning experience through the use of technology such as augmented reality and gamification. However, the challenges that arise cannot be ignored. The digital divide remains a problem, with not all students having equal access to the necessary technology, as well as a lack of training for educators in using digital tools effectively. In addition, the issue of data security and protecting student privacy is increasingly important amidst the increasing use of digital platforms. Developing a curriculum that is relevant to industry needs and digital skills is also a challenge in itself, considering the rapid changes in the world of work. To overcome this challenge, collaboration between educational institutions, industry and government is needed to create an inclusive and adaptive educational ecosystem. With the right approach, digital transformation can bring great benefits to education, producing graduates who are ready to face global challenges and contribute positively to society. Thus, this research aims to analyze in depth the challenges and opportunities faced in the current digital transformation process in education.


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2024-11-12 — Updated on 2024-11-12



