
  • Putri Sonia Br. Simarmata Medan State University
  • Aida Fitri Harun Pakpahan Medan State University
  • Hamidah Nasution Medan State University


Articulate Storyline, Interactive Learning Media, Number Patterns


This study aims to investigate the effect of using interactive learning media based on Articulate Storyline on number pattern material in mathematics learning. The media is designed to enhance student participation, simplify concept understanding, and foster learning interest. The research method used is a quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test. The research sample consists of 8th-grade students at a junior high school in Badung Regency. The results show that the use of Articulate Storyline-based media significantly improves student learning outcomes in number pattern material. Additionally, students expressed higher interest in learning with interactive media compared to conventional methods. Therefore, this learning media can be integrated as an effective alternative in teaching mathematics.


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