
  • Miranu Triantoro UNIPA PSDKU BLITAR, Indonesia
  • Halimatussa'diyah Halimatussa'diyah UIN Antasari Banjarmasin, Indonesia
  • Ekbal Santoso UNIPA PSDKU BLITAR, Indonesia
  • Udin Erawanto UNIPA PSDKU BLITAR, Indonesia
  • Diah Afrianti Rahayu Institut Pendidikan dan Bahasa, Cirebon, Indonesia


Madrasah Education, Curriculum Challenges, Socio-Political Dynamics, Sustainable Development, Religious Education, Indonesia, Education Management.


In our comprehensive study, "Analyzing the Socio-Political Dynamics and Curriculum Challenges in Indonesian Islamic Schools," we delved into the intricate world of Madrasah education in Indonesia. Our research aimed to understand the complex relationship between these institutions' socio-political dynamics and curriculum challenges. With their historical significance in Indonesia's education system, Madrasahs provide religious and secular knowledge. However, their sustainability in a rapidly changing world hinged on addressing critical issues, particularly the balance between religious and secular content and the impact of socio-political factors. Our research objectives encompassed a thorough analysis of curriculum challenges, examining socio-political influences, and identifying strategies for sustainable development. We employed various research methods, including surveys, interviews, and document analysis, strictly adhering to ethical considerations. Our study's results, presented entirely in the past tense, unveiled the intricate challenges faced by Madrasahs, including curriculum content, pedagogical methods, and resource limitations, significantly affecting student learning outcomes and the alignment of Madrasah curricula with national educational goals. Socio-political dynamics were found to play a central role in shaping Madrasah education, influencing autonomy, cohesion, and cultural preservation. Moreover, our study identified key strategies, including curriculum reform, teacher training, and community engagement, offering a roadmap for the sustainable development of Madrasah education in Indonesia. Our insights can guide policymakers, educators, and communities to ensure Madrasah education's continued relevance and inclusivity in a dynamic educational landscape.


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